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Yoga Massage in Kilchberg, Zurich

Massage is a wonderful way to nurture and nourish your entire being. It can improve circulation, helps to lengthen the muscles and realign the bones. Deepens your relaxation, slowing down the breath. You can release and let go, returning you to your state of being well.

Yoga Massage Zurich

Massage assists in releasing and letting go

Massage allows you to experience the bliss of letting go. You connect with this beautiful breath and the stillness within. As you relax and go deeper within, you become aware of the importance of touch. You connect with the nurturing and nourishing aspects of movement and stillness during an Ayurverdic Yoga Massage.

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Ayurvedic Yoga Massage

I offer Ayurvedic Yoga Massage. This is a floor-based, deep-tissue massage using sesame oil and calamus powder. The massage is approximately 90 minutes and is hydrating and detoxifying. I am able to come to your home for a floor-based massage only. Yoga Massage Basic: CHF 80 | Massage Large: CHF 150.

Yoga Table Massage

I also offer a Yoga Table Massage. This massage is carried out on a massage table using sesame oil and lasts approximately 90 minutes. Both of these therapies are deep tissue massages which help to release knots in the muscles, thereby lengthening the muscles and increasing flexibility. Yoga Massage Basic:
CHF 80 | Massage Large: CHF 150

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I recently had a yoga massage from Shubashnee. She was very thorough, thoughtful and intuitive of what my body needed. She helped me to release tensions and stress in my body that I have been holding on to for some time.

- Marina Kalkum

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About Massages

It leaves you feeling nurtured and nourished

Both of these therapies are deep tissue massages which help to release knots in the muscles, thereby lengthening the muscles and increasing flexibility. The massage can help to correct postural imbalances and restore harmony to the subtle energies of the body. It can also assist with the release of physical and emotional blocks. It improves blood flow, bringing oxygen and nutrients that can help heal and repair damaged cells. The decompression of joints can lead to pain relief. Regular massage helps widen the blood vessels, enhancing blood flow, energising and revitalising you. Massage therapy helps you to relax, thereby decreasing stress and increasing the production of feel-good hormones. 

Book yourself a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

Yoga Massage Kilchberg - It leaves you feeling nurtured and nourished.

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