Creating space for moving within the breath with awareness, allowing release and inviting harmony




Build strength and stamina within the body. Helps us to release tension and stress. Makes us flexible in body and mind. Improves our balance. Asanas are yogic movements which can be static or dynamic. It is the 3rd limb in yoga.


Prana - the life force within us, referred to as the breath. Conscious Breathing helps us connect at a deeper level with the vital energy within our bodies. The breath takes us deeper into ourselves. Breathing exercises expand and strengthen our bodies and minds. Pranayama is the 4th limb in yoga, yogic breathing. It is the connection with your breath.


Is a beautiful space where we can just let go. The body, breath, mind and heart are in harmony. We reconnect with our natural state of bliss. Hatha Yoga is a combination of conscious breathing and movement, taking you to the stillness within. You connect to the flow.


"With each inhale lift your heart closer to the sky. With each exhale root your heels more deeply in the ground."

All movement begins with the breath. Always soft, gently deepening as our yoga session progresses. The breathing process becomes deeper, steadier, longer, smoother and even. The movement starts to match your breathing.

Breathing exercises helps to increase the flow of energy through the body. It is revitalizing to the body and mind. Breathing relaxes and strengthens the nervous system, calms the mind and improves concentration. Breathing exercise helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

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Focused and conscious Breathing can take us beyond our boundaries where we can find "the breath inside the breath" - Rumi



Meditation does not necessarily involve sitting on a mountain top or in a cave for hours on end. This would be nice, but we do not all have the time nor the mountains close by.

The easiest meditation is getting in touch with our breath. Standing, walking, running or asanas. Being aware in whatever we are doing increases consciousness. Awareness becomes consciousness. In consciousness we are in tune with the connections between the breath, body and mind.
Yoga is meditation. We flow with the breath. We come onto our mats, bringing our attention to the breath. The attention stays with the flow of the breath within the movement.

Meditation is happening. The movement becomes smooth and intentional. The breath flows, becoming fluid and even. The mind softens and becomes steady, focused and free.

“Yoga brings the body, the breath and the mind into one fluid moment”